Echo Loyalty Member Integration API

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Item Description
Accept-Language The Accept-Language request HTTP header indicates the natural language and locale that the client prefers. Browsers set required values for this header according to their active user interface language. Users rarely change it, and such changes are not recommended because they may lead to fingerprinting. As Accept-Language header we can pass values available in LANGUAGES dictionary. If you provide values that dictionary does not contain, you will have default language returned.
Base URL In the context of an API, the base URL is the combination of scheme, hostname, and base path on the root level of the API. For example, in the Echo Loyalty Business To Client Gateway REST API, the full URL for the POST /enrollment operation, which enrolls a member is: The base URL is: This is constructed from these three elements:
-Scheme: HTTPS
-Base path: /b2c/v3
Bearer access token (access token) An access token that uses the standard and contains all the information the resource server needs to confirm the user’s grant to the application. It has the following three-part structure, with period separators: Header.Payload.Signature. The platform's OAuth Provider domain can issue Bearer access tokens. An advantage of the Bearer access token is that the Resource Server can validate by itself without having to go back to the Authorization Server.
Bearer token Used in OAuth, the bearer token is a security token with the property that any party in possession of the token (the bearer) can use it. The bearer token is sent as-is in the API request, in the Authorization header. The platform's OAuth Provider domain supports Referenced Bearer (a simple bearer token) and bearer access token.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also called Zulu time, is the primary time standard in general use. It essentially equates to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), but is more scientifically precise. In the Echo Loyalty Business To Client Gateway REST API, time values are represented in the standard UTC date/time format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
Example: 2013-12-31T15:45:00-04:00Z.
Gateway A Echo Loyalty Business To Client Gateway REST API streamlines signing up, signing in, management, operation of APIs, enhancing security and regulatory compliance through authentication and authorization. It provides central definition and management of security and other operational governance policies across multiple instances. The Gateway enables enterprises to standardize API and service delivery with high security, performance, and availability.
Header API headers are like an extra source of information for each API call. Their job is to represent the meta-data associated with an API request and response. API headers tell user about request/response bodies, authorization, caching, cooking. Headers examples: Authorization, WWW-Authenticate, Accept-Charset, Content-Type, Cache-Control.
Path Paramter Path is a type of parameter that lives within the endpoint URL. In a typical REST scheme, the path portion of the URL represents entity class hierarchy. Path parameters are surrounded with curly brackets and offer a unique opportunity for developers to control the representation of a specific resource. In this URL:
({rewardCode}?pricePlanDate=2018-09-01), the {rewardCode} part represents the parameter that is required for the call. Unlike query string parameters where the order doesn’t matter, path parameters values must be given in correspondence with the format that is dictated by the URL path. While query parameters allow you to omit a value, path parameter values can’t be omitted since it would mean changing the URL path.
Query Paramter API Query parameters can be defined as the optional key-value pairs that appear after the question mark in the URL. Basically, they are extensions of the URL that are utilized to help determine specific content or action based on the data being delivered. Query parameters are appended to the end of the URL, using a '?'. The question mark sign is used to separate path and query parameters. If you want to add multiple query parameters, an '&' sign is placed in between them to form what is known as a query string. In this URL:
({rewardCode}?pricePlanDate=2018-09-01), there is one query parameter: pricePlanDate, with 2018-09-01 being its value.
Token An access object sent to the requestor (client app) after authentication is complete and authorization has been granted. The token enables the client app to request access to the end-user's resources. OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SAML use tokens. There are different types of tokens, as defined in the applicable specification; for example, OAuth access tokens, bearer tokens (also called bearer access tokens), client tokens (not currently supported), and ID tokens (used by OpenID Connect).
URL A URL (Universal Resource Locator, a Web address) identifies a resource by specifying its location in the context of a particular access protocol; for example, HTTP or HTTPS.
Version Each app or API on the platform much have at least one version, and can have multiple versions. When a user creates an app or API on the platform, the first version is created automatically; when using the API, it's important to complete both actions.
X-Correlation-ID X-Correlation-ID - header that correlates HTTP requests between a client and server.
Authentication Authentication is a scheme - authorization credentails encryption scheme (e.g. OAuth 2.0, Bearer Token). Authentication is a identity verification whether user which send request is the same user as he claims.
Authorization As an authortization we understand a verification whether API user has safe access and has permission/priviliges to make use of API resources. Authorization is a header used to provide credentials that authenticate API user enabling access to proteceted resource for him.
Customer Member/participant of loyalty program.
identifierId 'identifierId' is an inner ID poiniting specific identifier in database table. Each identifier is linked to particular member and has its own type.
identifierNo 'identifierNo' is a member identifier ID as 'identifierId' generated within CLC. Unlike 'identifierId', 'identifierNo' is made public and can be found in Customer Care Panel among others.
/me /me is part of endpoint URL available on B2C facade. Using '/me' parameter you determine that endpoint you actually call is about you i.e. currently logged in user, whose identity has been verified. So you don't have to use any customer or identifier identification.



Customer password access token flow. Password grant type.
See Authentication documentation for more details.

Security Scheme Type OAuth2
password OAuth Flow
Token URL: https://$host$:$port$/b2c/$version$/login
Refresh URL: https://$host$:$port$/b2c/$version$/refresh-token
  • b2c_api_gateway -

    Grants access to any secured operations

  • b2c_api_tac -

    Grants access to terms and conditions related operations

  • b2c_api_pass_exp -

    Grants access to /me/password-change operation

Authentication & Authorization

Both authentication and authorization are core to the security of APIs.
Authentication - Authentication proves that you are who you say you are. We use OAuth2 security scheme as the method for authentication.
Authorization - The process when an entity proves a right to access. In other words, Authorization proves you have the right to make a request. To authorize as a member, login, password and the valid token obtained during authentication are required. Here you can also manage token validity.

Acquire access token and login

Essential Professional
Authorize member, grant access to B2C gateway and issue the access token.
Usage of query parameters is denied, x-www-form-urlencoded approach is preferred.
header Parameters
Value: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Request content type as MIME type.

Default: application/json
Value: "application/json"

Expected response content type as MIME type.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Customer login.
Required for password grant_type, otherwise optional and ignored.

string <password>

Customer password.
Required for password grant_type, otherwise optional and ignored.


Space separated list of scopes, which represent profiles granted within the token.
Only provided scopes can be included in the returned access token. When parameter is not provided, all granted scopes will be returned in the access token.

Default: "O"
Enum: "W" "O"

Business channel invoking further operations.
Optional, defaults to O.
Applicable for password and client_credentials grant_type, otherwise ignored.
Subset of TRANSACTION_CHANNELS dictionary:

  • W - Website
  • O - Mobile App


Response samples

Content type
  • "access_token": "string",
  • "token_type": "bearer",
  • "expires_in": 0,
  • "scope": "string",
  • "jti": "string",
  • "refresh_token": "string"

Refresh access token

Essential Professional
Prolongate access token expiry time.
Usage of query parameters is denied, x-www-form-urlencoded approach is preferred.
header Parameters
string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Value of token sent on email or sms. Necessary to pass multifactor authentication

Default: application/json
Value: "application/json"

Expected response content type as MIME type.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Refresh token to be refreshed


Space separated list of scopes, which represent profiles granted within the token.
Only provided scopes can be included in the returned access token. When parameter is not provided, all granted scopes will be returned in the access token.


Response samples

Content type
  • "access_token": "string",
  • "token_type": "bearer",
  • "expires_in": 0,
  • "scope": "string",
  • "jti": "string",
  • "refresh_token": "string"

Invalidate access token and logout

Essential Professional
Invalidate access token and logout.
Usage of query parameters is denied, x-www-form-urlencoded approach is preferred.
header Parameters
string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Refresh token to be invalidated


Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "UNAUTHORIZED",
  • "message": "Unauthorized",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 401,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z"


With this method, you can enroll new members in the Loyalty program. You can make use of all pre-defined fields available in the System in your enrollment form. This part of the API will allow you to get the necessary consent types from your loyalty program members.


Essential Professional
Enrolls new member with lists of predefined attributes.
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Value of token sent on email or sms. Necessary to pass multifactor authentication

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Default: O

Enrollment channel code. TRANSACTION_CHANNELS dictionary.
When not provided to the request, the default channel will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects
Array of objects
object (types.StaticAttributesEnrollment)
object (types.TaCMemberCreateUpdate)


Request samples

Content type
  • "predefinedAttributes": [
  • "customAttributes": [
  • "staticAttributes": {
  • "termsAcceptance": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Member Profile

This set of methods is strictly related to loyalty program members and their data. Here, you will find all methods allowing you to manage the member data from verification of credentials through profile modification and acceptance of new consents. For example, you will use these methods to show a member his loyalty card number/code and display data on the profile such as name or phone number. Also, it's necessary to change a member's password.

Verify member credentials

Essential Professional
Verify member's credentials.
May be used to confirm customer's credentials for some critical operation, while customer is already authenticated.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json
string <password>

Member's password


Request samples

Content type
  • "password": "pa$$word"

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Get member profile

Essential Professional
Get member profile
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "predefinedAttributes": [
  • "customAttributes": [
  • "staticAttributes": {
  • "termsAcceptance": {

Update member profile

Essential Professional
Update member profile.
Accept only technical and editable fields configured as Member attributes for Mobile App/Member Portal.
Not provided technical and editable fields are cleared in the data storage.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects
Array of objects
object (types.StaticAttributes)


Request samples

Content type
  • "predefinedAttributes": [
  • "customAttributes": [
  • "staticAttributes": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Modify member profile

Essential Professional
Modify member profile.
Not provided data are not overwritten in the data storage.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects
Array of objects
object (types.StaticAttributes)


Request samples

Content type
  • "predefinedAttributes": [
  • "customAttributes": [
  • "staticAttributes": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Upload avatar file

Essential Professional
Upload member avatar file into the system storage.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters
Default: multipart/form-data
Value: "multipart/form-data"

Content type as MIME type.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
string <binary>

File contents


Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Change password

Essential Professional
Change password
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gatewayb2c_api_pass_exp)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json
string <password>

Customer's old password

string <password>

Customer's new password

string <password>

New password repeated


Request samples

Content type
  • "oldPassword": "pa$$word",
  • "newPassword": "pa$$word",
  • "confirmPassword": "pa$$word"

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Close customer

Essential Professional
Close member account on own request. Operation is irrevertible.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Get T&C Policy details

Essential Professional
Get details of recently accepted Terms and Conditions Policy and info about acceptance.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gatewayb2c_api_tac)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "gdpr": {
  • "loyalty": {

Accept T&C Policy

Essential Professional
Accept Terms and Conditions Policy.
Current version of policy is accepted with current date and time.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gatewayb2c_api_tac)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json


Request samples

Content type
  • "gdpr": {
  • "loyalty": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Update T&C Policy

Essential Professional
Update Terms and Conditions Policy.
Current version of policy is accepted with current date and time.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gatewayb2c_api_tac)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json


Request samples

Content type
  • "gdpr": {
  • "loyalty": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Get points expiration forecast

Essential Professional
Get list of points expiration forecast with prevention source.
Sortable by [forecastedExpirationDate].
Default sort: forecastedExpirationDate:ASC.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters

Point type code. POINT_TYPES dictionary.

string <date>

Points expiration date - lower limit. Inclusive.

string <date>

Points expiration date - upper limit. Inclusive.

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item in array points. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "expirationPrevention": {
  • "points": [

Balance and Statements

Members like to browse thru transaction history and check the number of added points. Each of them is stored in the System with a unique identifier so you can display all its details. Furthermore, by using a member balance request, you can check the activity of a single member. This comes together with processing coupons assigned to the member and showing the current points balance in the member's profile.

Get member transactions

Essential Professional
Get list of member transactions.
Sortable by [transactionId, identifierNo, date, type, points, status, channel, partner, trnNo, location].
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters

Unique transaction identifier


Loyalty identifier which identifies the customer on which operation will be processed.
Causes transactions search on the identifier level (transactions performed with the identifier).

Array of strings

Transactions types codes. TRANSACTION_TYPES dictionary.

Array of strings

Transactions statuses codes. TRANSACTION_STATUSES dictionary.

Array of strings

Transactions channels codes. TRANSACTION_CHANNELS dictionary.


Code of the partner that participated in the transactions. PARTNERS dictionary.


Code of the location in which the transactions where processed. LOCATIONS dictionary.
Location codes are unique in the scope of the partner.


Identifier of the transaction in the partners' external systems.

string <date>

Transaction date lower boundary. Inclusive.

string <date>

Transaction date upper boundary. Inclusive.


Allows search only by static attributes. Search is exact (=). When search by multiple attributes is performed they are joined with AND operator.


  • attributes=ATTR_A:1;ATTR_B:2 - searches for all transactions with ATTR_A=1 and ATTR_B=2
  • attributes=ATTR_A:1;ATTR_C;ATTR_B:2 - searches for all transactions with ATTR_A=1 and ATTR_B=2 and ATTR_C is empty

DateTime and Date attributes must be sent with a time zones:
Datetime examples:

  • 2020-08-07T11:00:00Z02:00 for GMT+02:00
  • 2020-08-07T11:00:00Z-02:00 for GMT-02:00
    Date examples:
  • 2020-08-07Z02:00 for GMT+02:00
  • 2020-08-07Z-02:00 for GMT-02:00
Array of strings
Items Enum: "attributes" "products" "triggeredRules"

Appends to every response item additional content that is not appended by default to boost lists performance.
Note: Requesting more item data in the responses which are lists may impact performance.
Supports [attributes, products, triggeredRules].

Default: "date:DESC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get member transaction

Essential Professional
Get details of single transaction belonging to the member profile.
Transaction results depend on transaction type and system configuration.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
path Parameters

Transaction internal unique identifier

header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "transactionId": 0,
  • "customerLogin": "string",
  • "identifierId": 0,
  • "identifierNo": "string",
  • "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "type": "st",
  • "typeName": "string",
  • "status": "s",
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "channel": "s",
  • "channelName": "string",
  • "partner": "string",
  • "partnerName": "string",
  • "location": "string",
  • "locationName": "string",
  • "trnNo": "string",
  • "basicPoints": 0,
  • "basicPointsTypeName": "string",
  • "delayedBasicPoints": 0,
  • "points": [
  • "delayedPoints": [
  • "incentiveValue": 0,
  • "discountValue": 0,
  • "totalValue": 0,
  • "paymentValue": 0,
  • "currencyCode": "str",
  • "shared": true,
  • "correctionReasonCode": "string",
  • "processDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "confirmationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "comment": "string",
  • "triggeredRules": [
  • "issuedCoupons": [
  • "burnedCoupons": [
  • "refundedCoupons": [
  • "products": [
  • "attributes": [

Get member coupons

Essential Professional
Get list of member regular coupons available at the moment of operation execution.
Sortable by [id, couponTypeCode, couponNumber, issuanceDate, validityStartDate, expiryDate].

Note that there may exist multiple coupons with same couponNumber belonging to different or same customers.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Full text search query.
Matches [couponTypeCode, couponNumber].

Array of strings

Coupon type codes list. CLOUD_COUPON_TYPES dictionary.

Array of strings

Coupon numbers list

Array of strings

Coupon delivery channels codes list. COUPON_DELIVERY_CHANNELS dictionary.
When empty, coupons for all delivery channels are returned.

string <date>

Coupon expiration date - lower limit. Inclusive.

string <date>

Coupon expiration date - upper limit. Inclusive.

Default: "issuanceDate:DESC, expiryDate:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get member balances

Essential Professional
Get member points balances.
Returns breakdown of all points by point type.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "member": {

Get member main balance

Essential Professional
Get member's basic points balance.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "points": 0


Some loyalty programs use tiers to recognize their most valuable members. If your program uses them, you will find all needed details such as tiers schema and levels with descriptions, benefits, and perks members can get. You can also present the progress tracker for the tier a member reaches to build more engagement and show the progress on the member's profile.

Get member current recognition

Get member's current recognition tier.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "externalName": "string",
  • "externalDescription": "string",
  • "effectiveDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "expirationDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "nextTierCode": "string",
  • "isCurrentTierTheHighest": true

Get member progress tracker

Get member's progress tracker for next recognition tier.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "currentTier": {
  • "nextTier": {
  • "progressTrackerTypeIndicator": "string"

Get schemas

Get recognition schemas
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters
string <= 40 characters

Recognition schema unique identifier.

string <= 1000 characters

Recognition schema internal name.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get tier details

Get recognition tier details.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "externalName": "string",
  • "externalDescription": "string",
  • "imageId": "string",
  • "benefits": [

Get benefit details

Get benefit details.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "type": "string",
  • "typeName": "string",
  • "name": "string",
  • "description": "string",
  • "externalName": "string",
  • "externalDescription": "string",
  • "images": [


Each member of the loyalty program has a unique ID number. With this number, all kinds of transactions can be performed, and what's most important, a member can be unequivocally identified with it. In addition, this method allows checking in-depth details regarding a member's ID, such as visual mode, status or type (internal/external), etc., or generating a list of all IDs assigned to one member.

Get member identifiers

Essential Professional
Get list of all identifiers belonging to the member
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get member identifier

Essential Professional
Get details of the member's identifier
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
path Parameters

Unique loyalty card identifier number

query Parameters

When present, limits the fields in the response to the specified list, otherwise whole response is returned.
Items on the list are separated by semicolon. Parent-child relations are indicated by dot.
For example fields=responseFieldX;responseFieldY;responseObjectZ.ZobjectChildField.

header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "identifierNo": "string",
  • "identifierTypeCode": "string",
  • "identifierTypeName": "string",
  • "visualMode": "string",
  • "status": "s",
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "main": true,
  • "assignmentDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "blockedReason": "string",
  • "blockedByUserId": 0,
  • "firstTrnDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "lastTrnDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "lastModify": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

Rewards & Coupons

This set of methods works in both ways – you can display generic info about all active and configured coupons in your program, and, on the other hand, you can show individual coupons dedicated to member and assigned to his loyalty identifier by any type of campaign. Member can find the names, validity dates, value, and coupon code on his account.
Browsing through rewards with colorful images and checking their price in points and availability is one of the most frequent member activities in the program. In addition, you can display the whole catalog with many details to show the attractiveness of your program.
Last but not least, the member can redeem points (simulated or processed for available rewards).

Redeem points to get a reward

Essential Professional
Process or simulate redemption transaction for the member.
Redeems basing on business rules and rewards catalogue.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters
Default: false

True enable simulation mode.
In this mode response of the operation informs about effect of the operation as if it was executed normally, however execution of the method does not cause any effects in the system. No balance, statements or any other persisted state is altered.

header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json
string <= 100 characters

Partner transaction number

string <= 400 characters

Transaction comment

Array of objects (types.OrderItem)

List of rewards in basket


Delivery method code. REWARD_DELIVERY_METHODS dictionary.
Required for rewards that are not Online.


Delivery location details.
Required for deliveryMethod = L (Location).


Delivery address details.
Required for deliveryMethod = H (Home).


Request samples

Content type
  • "trnNo": "string",
  • "comment": "string",
  • "rewards": [
  • "deliveryMethod": "string",
  • "deliveryLocation": {
  • "deliveryAddress": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "transactionId": 0,
  • "status": "s",
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "orderId": 0,
  • "transactionPoints": {
  • "memberBalance": {
  • "incentiveValue": 0,
  • "productsDiscountValue": 0,
  • "billDiscountValue": 0,
  • "discountValue": 0,
  • "paymentValue": 0,
  • "messages": [
  • "products": [
  • "billDiscountPromotions": [
  • "issuedCoupons": [
  • "burnedCoupons": [
  • "refundedCoupons": [

Get reward categories

Essential Professional
Get list of reward categories.
Sortable by [code, name, description, parentCategory, categoryOrder].
query Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, name].

Array of strings

List of reward category codes. REWARD_CATEGORIES dictionary.


Reward category name.


Reward category description.

Array of strings

List of associated upper level categories codes. REWARD_CATEGORIES dictionary.


When true returns only root level categories, when false returns all categories.
Default value is false

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get rewards

Essential Professional
Get list of rewards which are currently active and have an unlimited quantity.
Sortable by [code, name, categoryOrder, auditCD, pricePlan.points, type, startDate, endDate]. Sorting by pricePlan.points uses the default system point type by default, the pricePlan.pointType filter can be used to specify the desired one.
query Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, externalName, externalDescription].

Array of strings

List of reward codes. REWARDS dictionary.


Reward name

Array of strings

List of category codes of the reward. REWARD_CATEGORIES dictionary.

Note: Searches just directly under the given reward categories.

Array of strings

List of category codes of the reward. REWARD_CATEGORIES dictionary.

Note: Searches recursively under the given reward categories and their subcategories.

Array of strings

List of reward type codes. REWARD_TYPES dictionary.

string <date>

Reward available since date. Inclusive.

string <date>

Reward available to date. Inclusive.
Rewards with empty endDate are returned regardless of this filter.

Enum: "D" "W" "M" "Y"

Convenience way for defining reward availability date range.
Ignored when at least one of startDate, endDate criteria is provided.
Available options:

  • D - Today
  • W - This week
  • M - This month
  • Y - This year
Array of strings

Codes of reward partners. PARTNERS dictionary.

Array of strings

List of reward price plan codes
Array of strings

List of reward price plan channel codes. REWARD_ORDER_CHANNELS dictionary.
Filters rewards available via specified channel or all channels.


Minimum points amount set in the price plan. Inclusive. Minimum amount of points that customer is willing to pay for reward.


Maximum points amount set in the price plan. Inclusive. Maximum amount of points that customer is willing to pay for reward.

Array of strings

Price plan related point type codes. POINT_TYPES dictionary.
Useful for search for rewards achievable with possessed point types.

string <date>

Reward price plan available since. Inclusive.
Rewards with empty pricePlan.startDate are returned regardless of this filter.

string <date>

Reward price plan available to. Inclusive.
Rewards with empty pricePlan.endDate are returned regardless of this filter.

Enum: "D" "W" "M" "Y"

Convenience way for defining reward price plan availability date range.
Is ignored when at least one of pricePlan.startDate, pricePlan.endDate criteria is provided.
Available options:

  • D - Today
  • W - This week
  • M - This month
  • Y - This year
Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

Array of strings
Items Enum: "pricePlans" "resources" "supplier"

Appends to every response item additional content that is not appended by default to boost lists performance.
Note: Requesting more item data in the responses which are lists may impact performance.
Supports [pricePlans, resources, supplier].

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get member targeted rewards

Essential Professional
Get list of member targeted rewards which are currently active.
Sortable by [code, name, categoryOrder, auditCD, pricePlan.points, type, startDate, endDate]. Sorting by pricePlan.points uses the default system point type by default, the pricePlan.pointType filter can be used to specify the desired one.
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, externalName, externalDescription].

Array of strings

List of reward codes. REWARDS dictionary.


Reward name

Array of strings

List of category codes of the reward. REWARD_CATEGORIES dictionary.

Note: Searches just directly under the given reward categories.

Array of strings

List of category codes of the reward. REWARD_CATEGORIES dictionary.

Note: Searches recursively under the given reward categories and their subcategories.

Array of strings

List of reward type codes. REWARD_TYPES dictionary.

string <date>

Reward available since date. Inclusive.

string <date>

Reward available to date. Inclusive.
Rewards with empty endDate are returned regardless of this filter.

Enum: "D" "W" "M" "Y"

Convenience way for defining reward availability date range.
Ignored when at least one of startDate, endDate criteria is provided.
Available options:

  • D - Today
  • W - This week
  • M - This month
  • Y - This year
Array of strings

Codes of reward partners. PARTNERS dictionary.

Array of strings

List of reward price plan codes
Array of strings

List of reward price plan channel codes. REWARD_ORDER_CHANNELS dictionary.
Filters rewards available via specified channel or all channels.


Minimum points amount set in the price plan. Inclusive. Minimum amount of points that customer is willing to pay for reward.


Maximum points amount set in the price plan. Inclusive. Maximum amount of points that customer is willing to pay for reward.

Array of strings

Price plan related point type codes. POINT_TYPES dictionary.
Useful for search for rewards achievable with possessed point types.

string <date>

Reward price plan available since. Inclusive.
Rewards with empty pricePlan.startDate are returned regardless of this filter.

string <date>

Reward price plan available to. Inclusive.
Rewards with empty pricePlan.endDate are returned regardless of this filter.

Enum: "D" "W" "M" "Y"

Convenience way for defining reward price plan availability date range.
Is ignored when at least one of pricePlan.startDate, pricePlan.endDate criteria is provided.
Available options:

  • D - Today
  • W - This week
  • M - This month
  • Y - This year
Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.


Filter out rewards that do not belong to any segment.
Set on true returns rewards that are only available in one of customer segments.
Set on false returns all rewards available to customer.

Array of strings
Items Enum: "pricePlans" "resources" "supplier"

Appends to every response item additional content that is not appended by default to boost lists performance.
Note: Requesting more item data in the responses which are lists may impact performance.
Supports [pricePlans, resources, supplier].

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get reward

Essential Professional
Get reward details
path Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Target reward unique code

query Parameters
string <date>
Example: pricePlanDate=2018-09-01

Effective date for price plan.
When not provided all price plans for reward will be returned.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "externalName": "string",
  • "externalDescription": "string",
  • "type": "s",
  • "category": "string",
  • "masterCategory": "string",
  • "couponTypeCode": "string",
  • "categoryOrder": 0,
  • "status": "s",
  • "startDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "endDate": "2019-08-24",
  • "attributes": [
  • "partner": "string",
  • "netValue": 0,
  • "tax": "string",
  • "deliveryMethod": "s",
  • "quantity": 1,
  • "orderRequiresApproval": false,
  • "maximumRedemptionsAllowed": 1,
  • "nonMaterial": true,
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "partnerName": "string",
  • "typeName": "string",
  • "categoryName": "string",
  • "masterCategoryName": "string",
  • "supplier": "string",
  • "rewardSupplier": {
  • "pricePlans": [
  • "resources": {
  • "lastModify": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

Get mass campaigns

Essential Professional
Get list of wide audience campaigns which are currently active in the current time period.
It returns active coupons with the Mass campaign type, which are visible to non-logged in users (i.e. broadcast = true).
Sortable by [code, name, distributionMode].
query Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, name].

Array of strings

List of coupon type codes. CLOUD_COUPON_TYPES dictionary.

Array of strings

List of coupon types codes that should be excluded from the result. CLOUD_COUPON_TYPES dictionary.

Array of strings

Codes of coupon delivery channels. COUPON_DELIVERY_CHANNELS dictionary.

string <date>

Coupon earliest delivery start date - lower limit. Inclusive.
Earlist delivery.startDate on configured coupon delivery channels.

string <date>

Coupon earliest delivery start date - upper limit. Inclusive.
Earlist delivery.startDate on configured coupon delivery channels.

string <date>

Coupon validity end date - lower limit. Inclusive.
Coupon types with validity.unlimited=true or empty validity end date) are returned regardless of this filter.

string <date>

Coupon validity end date - upper limit. Inclusive.
Coupon types with validity.unlimited=true or empty validity end date) are returned regardless of this filter.

Array of strings

Coupon type tags.

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get member targeted campaigns

Essential Professional
Get list of member targeted campaigns which are currently active in the current time period.
Sortable by [code, name, id, distributionMode].
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, name].

Array of strings

List of coupon type codes. CLOUD_COUPON_TYPES dictionary.

Array of strings

List of coupon types codes that should be excluded from the result. CLOUD_COUPON_TYPES dictionary.

Array of strings

Codes of coupon delivery channels. COUPON_DELIVERY_CHANNELS dictionary.

string <date>

Coupon earliest delivery start date - lower limit. Inclusive.
Earlist delivery.startDate on configured coupon delivery channels.

string <date>

Coupon earliest delivery start date - upper limit. Inclusive.
Earlist delivery.startDate on configured coupon delivery channels.

string <date>

Coupon validity end date - lower limit. Inclusive.
Coupon types with validity.unlimited=true or empty validity end date) are returned regardless of this filter.

string <date>

Coupon validity end date - upper limit. Inclusive.
Coupon types with validity.unlimited=true or empty validity end date) are returned regardless of this filter.


Filter distributionMode = mass campaign coupon types which are broadcasted or not in any webapp channels.
Applies to the mass campaign coupon types which quantity is not based on segments.

Array of strings

Coupon type tags.

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get coupon type generic data

Essential Professional
Get coupon type generic details
path Parameters

Target coupon type code

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "name": "string",
  • "externalName": "string",
  • "externalDescription": "string",
  • "status": "s",
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "distributionMode": "string",
  • "distributionModeName": "string",
  • "description": "string",
  • "usageMode": "string",
  • "usageModeName": "string",
  • "distributionModeData": {
  • "interactive": true,
  • "interactionData": {
  • "largeImageId": "string",
  • "smallImageId": "string",
  • "tagsI18N": {
  • "lastModify": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"

Rewards orders

History of rewards orders with all necessary details such as items, order number (redemptions) to be displayed on customer profile. There is an option to cancel the particular order if such an option is configured in the System.

Get rewards orders

Essential Professional
Get list of reward orders.
Sortable by [id, status, deliveryMethod, date].
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
query Parameters

Order status. ORDER_STATUSES dictionary.


Order delivery method code. REWARD_DELIVERY_METHODS dictionary.

string <date>

Order placement date. Lower boundary. Inclusive.

string <date>

Order placement date. Upper boundary. Inclusive.

Default: "date:DESC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • {

Get rewards order by orderId

Essential Professional
Get order detailed info
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
path Parameters

Unique order identifier

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "orderId": 0,
  • "transactionId": 0,
  • "accountId": 0,
  • "customerId": 0,
  • "identifierNo": "string",
  • "firstName": "string",
  • "lastName": "string",
  • "date": "2019-08-24",
  • "partnerCode": "string",
  • "partnerName": "string",
  • "deliveryMethod": "string",
  • "deliveryMethodName": "string",
  • "status": "st",
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "ownerEmail": "string",
  • "deliveryAddress": {
  • "deliveryLocation": {
  • "comment": "string",
  • "rewards": [
  • "totalQuantity": 0,
  • "externalId": "string",
  • "ownerMobile": "string",
  • "ownerMobilePhonePrefix": "string",
  • "totalPointTypes": [

Get rewards order by transactionId

Essential Professional
Get order detailed info
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
path Parameters

Unique transaction identifier

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "orderId": 0,
  • "transactionId": 0,
  • "accountId": 0,
  • "customerId": 0,
  • "identifierNo": "string",
  • "firstName": "string",
  • "lastName": "string",
  • "date": "2019-08-24",
  • "partnerCode": "string",
  • "partnerName": "string",
  • "deliveryMethod": "string",
  • "deliveryMethodName": "string",
  • "status": "st",
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "ownerEmail": "string",
  • "deliveryAddress": {
  • "deliveryLocation": {
  • "comment": "string",
  • "rewards": [
  • "totalQuantity": 0,
  • "externalId": "string",
  • "ownerMobile": "string",
  • "ownerMobilePhonePrefix": "string",
  • "totalPointTypes": [

Cancel rewards order by orderId

Essential Professional
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
path Parameters

Unique order identifier

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Cancel rewards order by transactionId

Essential Professional
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
path Parameters

Unique transaction identifier

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Unauthorized Member

Member's Authorization is based on login and password. This method allows checking the Terms & conditions policy for not logged users and also all the permits to manage and process password reset by the existing member.

Get T&C Policy

Essential Professional
Get Terms and Conditions Policy.
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "gdpr": {
  • "loyalty": {

Initiate password reset procedure

Essential Professional
Initiate member password reset process.
Notification allowing to reset forgotten password will be sent to the customer.
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json

Customer login.
Any value that is configured and allows member to login.


Forces password reset communication even if member does not have communication permission.
In case of no permission, communication will not occur unless the permission is explicitly granted. Otherwise oneTimePermission flag is not respected (even if set to false). Information about one time permission is stored in the system.


Preferred communication channel which will be used to communication.
Required if oneTimePermission is true.


Request samples

Content type
  • "login": "string",
  • "oneTimePermission": true,
  • "preferredChannel": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Complete password reset procedure

Essential Professional
Change password using token received after /password-reset call
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.

Request Body schema: application/json

Reset password token received by the customer

string <password>

New password

string <password>

New password repeated


Request samples

Content type
  • "token": "string",
  • "newPassword": "pa$$word",
  • "confirmPassword": "pa$$word"

Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [


This set of requests allows the entity to get configured dictionary items and objects specific to the given loyalty program and use them in multiple ways. If you, for example, want to show partner and location with details on your page, this is the way to do it. What's more here in the form of lists and details - point, language, transaction types. Handy section!

Get partners

Essential Professional
Get list of partners.
Sortable by [code, name, status].
query Parameters
string non-empty

Full text search query.
Matches [code, name].

Array of strings

Partners codes list. PARTNERS dictionary.

Array of strings

List of partner codes that should be excluded from the result


Partner name

string 1 characters

Partner status code. GENERAL_STATUSES dictionary.

Array of strings

Promotion code associated with partners. TRANSACTION_RULES dictionary.

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get partner

Essential Professional
Get partner data
path Parameters

Target partner unique code

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "name": "string",
  • "description": "string",
  • "default": true,
  • "logoFileId": "string",
  • "status": "s",
  • "statusName": "string"

Get locations

Essential Professional
Get list of configured locations.
Sortable by [name, code, status].
At least one of following request fields' sets is required:
- [filter] - [code] - [partner] - [name] - [address.filter] - [] - [address.region] - [] - []
query Parameters
string non-empty

Full text search query.
Matches [code, name].

Array of strings

List of location codes

Array of strings

List of location codes that should be excluded from the result

Array of strings

List of partner's codes. PARTNERS dictionary.


Location name

Array of strings

Location statuses codes list. LOCATION_STATUSES dictionary.

Array of strings

Location types codes list. LOCATION_TYPES dictionary.


Full text search query for location address.
Matches [address.street,, address.postalCode, address.region,].
Array of strings

Location country codes list. COUNTRIES dictionary.

Array of strings

Location region codes list.

Location e-mail list

Stationary or mobile phone numbers of the location.


Reward POS delivery flag.


Click and collect integration flag.

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

Array of strings
Items Enum: "address" "geoPos"

Appends to every response item additional content that is not appended by default to boost lists performance.
Note: Requesting more item data in the responses which are lists may impact performance.
Supports [address, geoPos].

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get location

Essential Professional
Get location details
path Parameters

Location system-wide unique identifier

query Parameters
Array of strings
Items Value: "prices"

Appends to every response item additional content that is not appended by default to boost lists performance.
Note: Requesting more item data in the responses which are lists may impact performance.
Supports [prices].

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": 0,
  • "code": "string",
  • "name": "string",
  • "description": "string",
  • "partner": "string",
  • "status": "s",
  • "type": "stri",
  • "partnerName": "string",
  • "statusName": "string",
  • "typeName": "string",
  • "address": {
  • "geoPos": {
  • "rewardPOSDelivery": true,
  • "clickAndCollect": true,
  • "lastModify": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "productPrices": [

Get system parameter

Essential Professional
Get system parameter
path Parameters

System parameter code

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "name": "string",
  • "category": "st",
  • "categoryName": "string",
  • "type": "s",
  • "typeName": "string",
  • "value": "string",
  • "pattern": "string",
  • "description": "string"

Get point types

Essential Professional
Get list of configured point types.
Sortable by [code, name, transferable, adjustable].
query Parameters
string >= 3 characters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, name].

Array of strings

Point types codes list.


Point type name

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get point type

Essential Professional
Get point type
path Parameters

Point type code. POINT_TYPES dictionary.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "code": "string",
  • "name": "string",
  • "description": "string",
  • "transferable": true,
  • "adjustable": true,
  • "expiryPeriod": "P1Y6M",
  • "mainBalance": true

Get transaction types

Essential Professional
Get list of transaction types configured in the system.
query Parameters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, name].

Array of strings

Transaction types filter. TRANSACTION_TYPES dictionary.

Array of strings

Transaction types status filter. GENERAL_STATUSES dictionary.


Promotable filter


Generic event filter


B2C default member visibility filter

Default: "id:ASC"

Defines the sort order of the resulting list of objects.
Available sort orders: ASCENDING, ASC, ascending, asc, 1, DESCENDING, DESC, descending, desc, -1.
If operation description does not state otherwise, default order field is 'id' and the default order is ascending.
If operation description does not state otherwise, all attributes of the response array items may be included as sort criteria.

Constructed as comma separated list of sort fields, with optional order marker after colon. Examples:

  • sort=firstName:ASC,lastName:DESC,address.street - result is ordered by first name ascending, last name descending and street part of the address ascending
  • sort=firstName,lastName:DESC - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name descending
  • sort=firstName,lastName - result is ordered by first name ascending and last name ascending
  • sort=:DESC - result is ordered descending by the default field (id)
integer <int32>
Default: 0

First item on the page. Indexed from 0.
Only non-negative values.

integer <int32>

Max count of items on the page. Default value is from the PROCESSING_DEFAULT_MAX_RESULTS system parameter.
Only non-negative values.

header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get password restrictions

Essential Professional
Get password restrictions.
This reflects setup of the member password conditions that must be met by member password.
header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "name": "string",
  • "restrictions": {

Get member profile restrictions

Essential Professional
Get member profile restrictions.
This reflects setup of the member profile conditions that must be met by member profile data.
header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "defaultMemberLanguage": "string",
  • "minAge": 0,
  • "blacklists": {
  • "customLogin": {
  • "loginSettings": {

Member attributes used in form.

Essential Professional
Get list of attributes used in specific form and password restrictions
query Parameters
Enum: "EN" "MM"

Form type.

  • EN - Enrollment form
  • MM - Member Portal and Mobile App

Attribute type. Default value is ALL

header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "memberAttributes": [
  • "passwordRestrictions": [
  • "consents": {

Get allowed member languages

Essential Professional
Returns languages from the LANGUAGES dictionary of the MEMBER_LANGUAGES parameter.
query Parameters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, value].


Full text search query working in 'startsWith' mode.
Matches [code, value].

Array of strings

Item code. For fetching particular languages.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

General Dictionaries

You can either generate a list of all dictionaries configured in the System, a list of any available/active ones or generate only a list of codes assigned to the specific dictionary.

Get available dictionaries

Essential Professional
List of available dictionaries
header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get dictionaries

Essential Professional
Get list of dictionaries with dictionary items
query Parameters

Dictionaries query in special format (examples below).


The dicCode is required query parameter if one of [filter, firstLetters, itemCode] is provided.
If provided dic value is in quotes, only the values between quotes will be forwarded, others will be omitted.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [

Get dictionary by code

Essential Professional
Returns dictionary items for the particular dictionary domain
path Parameters

Dictionary code, from response of GET /available-dictionaries

query Parameters

Full text search query.
Matches [code, value].


Full text search query working in 'startsWith' mode.
Matches [code, value].

Array of strings

Item code. For fetching particular dictionary items.

header Parameters

Request content type as MIME type.
By default application/json, unless operation's request specification says otherwise.


Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [


This method allows you to download from the System any binary file like reward's image, coupon image representation, etc.

Get binary file

Essential Professional
Get any binary file stored in the system via system-wide unique identifier.
path Parameters
string <= 99 characters

Encoded system-wide unique file identifier.

header Parameters
Default: application/octet-stream

Expected response content type as MIME type.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "error": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Validation error: Constraint violations",
  • "method": "PUT",
  • "path": "/profile/customers/12345",
  • "correlationId": "1505219765216595",
  • "status": 400,
  • "timestamp": "2017-09-12T12:36:05.217Z",
  • "violations": [

Member gets member configuration

There is no better way to promote a loyalty program than by allowing members to invite their friends and become your brand ambassadors. Thanks to these methods, you can receive detailed information about promotion for both an existing member and future members who will receive an invitation, such as description, validity dates, or additional terms and conditions.

GET active member gets member promotion for enrolling member

Returns information about active member gets member promotion for enrolling member
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "invitedMemberExternalName": "string",
  • "invitedMemberExternalDescription": "string",
  • "imageId": "string",
  • "termsAndConditions": {

GET active member gets member promotion for logged member

Returns information about active member gets member promotion for logged member
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "invitingMemberExternalName": "string",
  • "invitingMemberExternalDescription": "string",
  • "imageId": "string",
  • "invitationKey": "string",
  • "termsAndConditions": {

Member gets member

You can treat this method as a follow-up of a previous one; this method's main aim is to get a list of the invited members' list, so an existing member can check his progress and status of already sent invitations.

GET member gets member invited members list

Get member gets member invited members list
customer_password_scheme (b2c_api_gateway)
header Parameters

Specifies which content types, expressed as MIME types, are accepted by client.
Server, using content negotiation, selects one of the proposals, uses it and informs the client of its choice with the Content-Type response header.
Should be used only when operations specification states that it can handle multiple content types.

Example: pl, en-us

Specifies the client proposed language of the response.
If not provided or if system does not have requested language configured, system will return response in system's configured default language.
Only the MultiLang strings will be translated, other will be returned as stored in the system.

Example: Bearer QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l

OAuth authorization header. Formatted according to OAUTH principles with Bearer Authentication Scheme. See Authorization documentation.
Bearer token where token is authorization key granted to the client.

string <= 100 characters

Unique request token for correlation purposes.
When not provided to the request, assigned automatically by the system.

string <= 200 characters

Requesting device fingerprint.
Identifies particular device calling the API.

string <= 100 characters

Time zone to which all datetime fields will be adjusted (GET) or interpreted (POST/PUT/PATCH).
Time zone source hierarchy:

  1. Date (time zone is taken from date format, related only to POST/PUT/PATCH requests).
  2. Header (time zone is taken from this header).
  3. DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE parameter (time zone is taken from the parameter).
  4. UTC timezone is assumed.
Time zone is ignored if incorrect value is provided.
string <= 100 characters

Tenant identifier.
When not provided to the request, the default identifier will be used.


Response samples

Content type
  • "results": [